2007年12月15日 星期六


by 張睿銓


張睿銓 / 阿弟仔

囡仔 你就要會記
囡仔 你就要會記

回來祖國 我們國民黨會疼惜照顧
無兩年 人民的期待變作土土土
人民擋不住 來去抗議 來去大稻埕
中國兵狠毒 拿槍掃射
綁給緊 一個一個槍決
二萬人的生命 二禮拜了絕

囡仔 你就要會記
囡仔 你就要會記

黨看你不爽 你就馬上無去
林義雄老母二個查某子 全部殺死
雷震批評蔣介石 被關十年
殷海光寫冊 被監視逼死
宋楚瑜全面 禁止台語節目
勇敢的台灣人 打拼追求民主自由
政治改革的美麗島 農民抗爭的五二零
關的關 死的死 鄭南榕為言論自由
囡仔 你就要會記
不可忘記 民主革命才開始
無經過寒冬的風雪 看不到春天的花蕊

囡仔 你就要會記
囡仔 你就要會記


所以每工要運動 喝八大杯煮過的水
不要吃煙毒 喝茶不喝咖啡
一禮拜要看一本冊 知識就是力量
認識越多 自己做主的信心越強
學校上課要專心 聽無就要問先生
賺錢有夠吃 有夠穿 有夠買冊
聽音樂 放假去山頂海邊走走就好
不要貪心 還要買股票和名牌手錶
提摩太六章十節 金錢是萬惡之根
講自己台客 卻歸工歸嘴內地內地
國民黨的千億黨產 誰殺死尹清楓
囡仔囡仔 你就要會記

Hey kid, you must remember
History teaches us to forgive mistakes, not forget them
You have to turn around, see where you've come from
If you want to figure out where you should go
Hey kid, you must remember
History says that people may disagree with you, anger you
Understand and respect each other, work it out together
If you oppress and exploit them, one day the tables will turn
And you'll have nowhere to hide

In 1945, a group of people landed on this yam-shaped island
Saying Taiwan was a province of Great China
"Come back to us. We KMT will love and look after you."
Within two years, the people's expectations crumbled
Bum soldiers pissing and shitting on the streets
Loot, abduct, kill, burn, eat free
Chen Yi's government confiscated farms and land, corruption via monopoly
You're a lowlife if you don't speak Chinese
On February 27, 1947
Their police pistol-whipped an old lady selling cigarettes
Shot a young bystander
"Can't stand it no more. Let's strike! Let's go to Toa-tiu-tia (大稻埕)!"
Then Chinese soldiers went on a cruel shooting spree
Pierced the palms and ankles of people with a lead wire
Tie them up. Execute one by one
20,000 lives were ended in two weeks

Hey kid, you must remember
History teaches us to forgive mistakes, not forget them
You have to turn around, see where you've come from
If you want to figure out where you should go
Hey kid, you must remember
History says that people may disagree with you, anger you
Understand and respect each other, work it out together
If you oppress and exploit them, one day the tables will turn
And you'll have nowhere to hide

What ensued was thirty-eight years of the martial-law era called "White Terror"
Doesn't matter if you're a Mainlander, Formosan, Hakka, Holo, or Aborigine
If you mess with the Party, you'll vanish in no time
Or be butchered like the mother and two daughters of Lin Yi-hsiung (林義雄)
Lei Jhen (雷震) was imprisoned for ten years for criticizing Chiang Kai-shek
Yin Hai-guang (殷海光) was under surveillance for his political articles until he died
James Soong (宋楚瑜) banned all the Taiwanese TV shows
Even puppet shows and Taiwanese Operas must be aired in Chinese
Brave Taiwanese souls fought and struggled for democracy and freedom
Beautiful Island Incident for political reform, 520 Farmer Protest
Jail after jail, kill after kill
Jheng Nan-rong (鄭南榕) burst into flames that'll last forever for free speech
Hey kid, you must remember
Their blood and sweat, torment and sacrifice, gave you the air you're breathing
Don't forget the revolution for democracy has just begun
You won't see the spring buds if you don't go through the winter snow

Hey kid, you must remember
History teaches us to forgive mistakes, not forget them
You have to turn around, see where you've come from
If you want to figure out where you should go
Hey kid, you must remember
History says that people may disagree with you, anger you
Understand and respect each other, work it out together
If you oppress and exploit them, one day the tables will turn
And you'll have nowhere to hide

I wish you all the best
I pray you can distinguish
I hope you'll change society in the future
I wish you all the best
I pray you can distinguish
I hope you'll fight injustice and oppression

One more strong Taiwanese kid
One more unbreakable brick of the Taiwanese spirit
So you must exercise every day and drink eight glasses of boiled water
No cigarettes and drugs. Drink tea, not coffee
Read a book every week because knowledge is power
If you know more you'll have more control of your life
Pay attention in school. Ask questions
Do homework. You don't need cram school
You're fortunate if you can afford buying food, clothes, books, and music
And go to the mountains and beaches on holidays
Don't be greedy, buying stocks and Rolex
Timothy 6:10, "For the love of money is a root of all evil."
Don't be like those cowards going to China singing and dancing
Saying they represent Taiwan but calling China the "mainland" all the time
The KMT's party property is worth hundreds of billions of dollars
Who killed Yin Cing-feng (尹清楓)?
Hey kid, my kid, you must remember
This is the first rap (and might be the first musical composition, to my limited knowledge) ever that explicitly depicts the February 28 Massacre of 1947 in Taiwan, launched by Chiang Kai-shek and his Chinese Kuomintang (KMT, also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party), and the thirty-eight-year martial-law era that followed the Massacre. More than twenty thousand people disappeared or were slaughtered in the Massacre, countless more in the martial-law era, as is typical of extreme political persecution and witch hunts (generally referred to as "White Terror" in Taiwan). The song is a tribute to all those brave souls—both Formosans and newcomers—who died fighting the KMT and its dictatorial government, which was finally ended by Taiwan's fledgling democracy in 2000. 我們不會忘記陳文成博士命案。