Jin Tai Cheng, a Beijing company, is offering a creative solution for prospective buyers at its “Ecological Bay” Villa project. The company encourages future homeowners to date its sales girls and promises a wedding present of RMB 60,000 to any couple that ends up getting married. The official story is that the company lured the sales ladies with a commitment to pay 8% in sales commissions as well as the opportunity to strike gold by securing a wealthy husband.
北京建商鼓勵顧戶和銷售小姐約會,承諾結婚禮物 60,000 元人民幣。官方的講法是,該公司承諾支付8 %的銷售佣金給銷售小姐,以及有機會釣得富有的丈夫。
可是 :
However, a local Real Estate executive I spoke to pointed out that the girls on offer are not that attractive. His theory is that the developer is not making money on selling apartments and so it signed a deal with a matchmaking agency to mary these “unwanted” girls to rich husbands. In return, the developer will receive much more than RMB 60,000 for every girl they manage to “give away”. This way, the girls don’t lose face by putting themselves on sale, the husbands don’t lose face by going directly to an agency to look for a bride, and the developer makes a nice profit. In a country with too many apartments and not enough girls, this doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
然而,當地另一位房地產業者指出,這些女孩並不吸引人。他的理論是,開發商賣公寓不賺錢,所以和婚姻介紹機構簽署了一項協議,幫這些「不受歡迎 的女孩」找到有錢的丈夫,開發商將獲得遠遠超過他們“放棄”的 60,000人民幣。這樣一來,女孩不失面子把自己賣了出去,丈夫不失面子地到婚姻仲介機構找到新娘,建商也得到很好的利潤。在一個擁有太多的公寓和沒有 足夠女孩的國家, 這似乎不是一個壞主意。
結語 : 商場上爾虞我詐,以上說的可能沒有一樣是真的。可是,這種商場上的故事實在很有趣!
Miss Stranger
4/28/2009 12:30:00 上午