2008年6月9日 星期一

What is china

原作者:kakarudo (漢奸?日奸?待考)


大多數人認同一個事實,那就是中國人缺乏誠信和社會責任感。然而很少有人可以告訴我們究竟是什麼原因導致了中國人的這種劣跡昭章的品性。是什麼使得「中國 人」這三個字眼在公眾眼中是如此的令人厭惡?通常,找到這個答案需要仔細研究中國人的心理。為了能正確地解釋普遍存在於中國人之間的醜惡行為我們需要瞭解 中國憎惡文化的根髓。如此這樣以至於一段時期後,中國人這個概念,無論是在種族還是文化上,都已經退化成為一個貶義詞用來去形容那些令人討厭的行為或者有 著類似行為的特定人群了。舉個例子,當懷疑一個人的誠信度時,人們會說:「別當中國人」,「別學中國人」 或者「別跟我玩中國人這套」。「中國人」這個字眼已經成為一個用於描述普遍墮落人性的非常貼切的形容詞了。

從古至今,中國人腦海中就從未接受過任何國家和社會人的概念(換句話說,中國人不瞭解他們作為社 會個體應該對國家和社會所承擔的責任和義務)。普通中國人通常只關心他們的家庭和親屬,由於中國人從來沒有能力和勇氣去建立一個真正意義上的國家,他們腦 海中根本就沒有國家的概念。所以中國的文化是建立在家族血緣關係上而不是建立在一個理性的社會基礎之上。中國人只在乎他們直系親屬的福址,對與自己毫不相 關的人所遭受的苦難則視而不見。換句話說,中國社會還未能達到現代文明社會的標準,這個標準是:無論人們的出身如何,每個人都應當享有基本的人權。從最好 的方面來說,中國充其量也就算是個以族群為基礎的社會。以上就是為何我們不把中國當做一個真正意義上的國家而只不過是一塊聚集了不同社會屬性但有相同生活 習慣的人群的土地。毫無疑問,這種以血緣關係為基礎的道德觀勢必導致自私,冷酷,這種自私和冷酷已經成為阻礙中國社會向前發展的最關鍵因素。

外國人經常對中國人沒有任何同情心地非人和殘忍地對待犯人及動物而震驚。由人為的或自然的災難所導致的令人震驚的生命損失,常常是以幾百萬計,更反映中國 人對人類生命的冷淡。中國及中國人已被看作一種籠罩著神秘陰影的現象。確實,你怎麼能夠去合理的解釋他們漠視人類生命和固執地宣稱他們的傳統文化的道德正 確性的不一致性。由於古老的中國一直以來都帶著「地球上人口最多的國家」的頭銜,就好像萬能的主所選擇的一個幸運對象。但是仔細徹底的分析卻揭示了另外的 結論。這一血腥的頭銜並不能歸於主的照顧,而是由於中國政府不負責任的生育政策和中國人難以置信的生育能力。日本人很難對他們在二戰期間屠殺的中國人感到 有罪惡感,因為他們從一開始就沒有把中國人當人看。終其一切,為什麼外國人要把中國人當人看,如果他們自己就把中國人當成一袋塵土對待?究竟應該譴責誰?

中國的統治者很瞭解中國人思維之致命的,不可救藥的弱點。並且在運作利用中國文化臭名昭著的特點獲得巨大的利益。恐懼和貪婪被用作控制中國人大腦 的有效方法。中國人幾乎不知道任何現代意義上的政治,因為他們無能的大腦不能抓住(理解)政治科學的精髓,即公正參與(費爾潑賴)和直來直去性。中國人所 說的政治除了欺騙和背叛沒有其它東西。

中國從來就沒有成為一個法制社會,因為中國人的思維方式與守法行為格格不入。中國人老想走截徑。他們不明白這樣一個事實:即成就來自於與努力工作和犧牲。 你不可能只取其一(即取得成就而不付出,或付出而沒有取得成就)。這裡沒有截徑。中國人傾向於索取而不給予。他們需要明白一個道理:生活的真蒂不在於你你 索取多少而在於你能給予社會和你的人類同胞多少。

中國人喜歡沉迷於人類心理的陰暗面,即讚美弱點卻嫉恨強者(補:恨人有笑人無是這種陰暗面的生動寫實)。這種心態是典型的奴隸心態。這種心態反映了人們的 努力在經受慘痛失敗後為達到心理上的平衡而竭力尋求的一種方式。事實上,中國人被滿人和蒙人統治了幾百年,古代漢人寬厚,仁慈和榮耀的文化已經完全被奴性 思想所代替。大多數的中國問題專家還有眾多的中國學者相信,今天的中國以及中國人和過去真正意義上的中國沒有什麼關係。一個學者對當今中國人普遍表現出的 心態更是大為失望,他做出一個非常大膽的評論,他說,日本,才是真正意義上的「中國」,或曰天國。關於現代中國人和古代中國人是否屬於同一個種族的問題現 在也有爭論。對於古代中國人種起源自高加索我並不感到吃驚。事實上,許多考古發現也證實了這種說法。

確實,在這個世界上,沒有什麼東西比中國和中國人的涵意更模糊和荒謬。因為沒有人真正知道他們指的是什麼。基於廣泛的地域差異,沒有人能夠正確地給出正確 的中國人的定義,這僅僅是因為他們總是這樣那樣地有些差別。比如說,廣東人肯定地認為他們和其他中國人不一樣,特別是那些來自於北方的人。中國是一個統一 的國家和中國人是一個統一的民族的說法除了是用來愚弄那些沒有開化的腦袋以外沒有任何意義。

沒有人會隱瞞去嘲笑象中國人一類的可憐現像所得到的快感。我們實在沒有辦法對我們對中國人的憎惡態度而感到內疚。我們也不需要找理由來對我們持此看法來辯 解。正確的感覺不需要任何的道德合理性。這需要道德勇氣。如果人們對中國的情況保持沉默,而明知它可能惡化和如果不採取措施會慢慢的變成一場瘟疫,那就是 對人類尊嚴的侮辱。

像人們所指出的那樣,要想讓邪惡之花盛開,唯一要作的事是讓善良的人保持沉默。可是,我們的良心告訴我們不能對中國的災難漠不關心。文明社會的人將用任何 可能的手段來阻止由於中國的擴張而引起的人類尊嚴的下滑。既使這種教訓必須用相當粗魯的方法,也是值得作的。如果必要的話,我不會猶豫使用我的武器來幫助 中國人去覺醒。中國人將很快在威武者的刀光劍影下而瑟瑟發抖。

當今中國究竟處於何種境地,很難有一個精確的描述。即使是精通華夏文明史的一些專家也很難解釋目前在中國發生的一些現象。中國,中國現象始終是一個令人無 法琢磨的難解之謎。中國見證著多元化:一個文明古國,一個有著無法描述的天災人禍的國家,一個充滿謊言和背叛的國家。。。。。。。中國總是讓人聯想起神話 傳

對於中國現狀,無論是褒是貶,都有忽視這樣一個事實的嫌疑,即無論中國怎樣進步,最終都無法獲得一個雙贏的結局。如果中國的現代化進程失敗,其腐敗的政府 垮台,整個世界將面臨一股從中國湧來的巨大的難民潮。如果這樣,似乎只能動用核武來進行一次「消毒」了。還有一個假設(儘管聽上去不太可能),中國設法成 為了一個發達的工業國,那麼世界面臨的將是什麼呢?便宜的中國製造充斥市場,全球競爭加劇,工業產品氾濫。。。。這將不可避免的導致另外一個全球經濟危 機,一個人類只有述諸暴力才能化解的經濟危機。此外,一個工業發達的中國將會是一個人類歷史上前所未有的污染源。一言以蔽之,無論中國向拿個方向發展,都 會給人類社會帶來災難。


大多數中國人從來就沒有學到過什麼是體面和尊敬的生活意義。就像許多人以前提到的那樣,中國人普遍不懂得如何為了個人和社會的福址去進行富有成效的生活。 潛意識裡,中國人視他們的生活目的就是抬高自己從而獲得別人的認知。這樣一來,一個人就會對「保有面子」 這樣微不足道慾望感到滿足。「面子」是中國人心理最基本的組成部分,它已經成為了中國人難以克服的障礙,阻礙中國人接受真理並嘗試富有意義的生活。這個應 受譴責的習性使得中國人生來就具有無情和自私的特點,它已成為中國落後的主要原因。中國人沒有勇氣追求他們認為正確的事情。首先,他們沒有從錯誤中篩選正 確事物的能力,因為他們的思想被貪婪所佔據。再有,就算他們有能力篩選出正確的事情,他們也缺乏勇氣把真理化為實踐。中國文化賦予她自身是具有書卷氣的, 富有智慧和道德的學說,然而實踐只證明了這是弱小貧瘠的表現。舉個例子,許多中國女人和西方人組成家庭,這些國際婚姻中大多數是定位在經濟基礎上的。很難 想像這些說著笨拙英語的中國女人能和他們的伴侶進行體面的溝通。

中國人經常忘記一個事實,那就是社會需要他們正如他們也需要這個社會一樣。沒有人欠你什麼,你也不值得得到威信和尊重除非你努力工作來贏得他們。中國人習 慣接受廉價和免費的事物,他們總是夢想奇蹟或者好運,因為他們不願意付出努力,他們總想不勞而獲。很少有中國人明白一個事實,就是威望和成就是通過一步步 努力的工作和犧牲實現的,不付出就沒有所得。簡單來說,如果是為了謀生,那一個人只有去索取;但如果是為了生活,一個人必須要去奉獻。

由於在貧窮的環境下生長並且缺少應有的教育,大多數中國人不懂得優雅的舉止和基本的禮貌。他們中的大多數人著裝笨拙粗鄙卻不感到害羞。他們在青少年時所受 的教育就是如何說謊並從別人那裡索取,而不是去與別人去分享自己的所有。你回不回國這完全是你個人的事情,沒有必要小題大做因為沒人聽你的廢話,沒人會在 乎你,也沒有人建議一個神經病應當離開還是留下。我們倒希望你們永遠離開不要回來,這樣我們還能有一個相當不錯的居住地。


中國大規模生產的便宜產品降低了輸入這些產品的地區的商業信用度。由於技術落後,管理失敗,中國製造的單位能耗要比發達國家如日本,美國高出很多。因此, 隨著出口額的增加,中國在擴大生產的同時喪失著寶貴的能源。同時,這種行為也嚴重的污染了環境,使中國變為全世界最不適宜人類居住的國家。
坦 率的講,目前中國正在遭受著資本主義社會2大邪惡的折磨,即環境的破壞與人性的喪失。由於中國人天生的貪婪的本性,它們可以毫無保留的接受資本主義的陰暗 面即無止境的追求利潤,忽視人的尊嚴。然而,它們卻無興趣採納在資本主義社會充當社會平衡的監護者的那一套正確的司法體系。西方人往往很驚訝這種對比,即 中國人對西方的技術與產品狂熱追求卻對西方管理文化所強調的坦率,直接,誠實這些品質漠不關心。我想,有人曾經做過的一個精彩的比喻可以用來解釋這種奇怪 的被稱為中國模式的資本主義的現實,即沒有法律約束的資本主義就像不存有地獄這一概念的基督教,最終每個人都墮落,無一倖免。事實上,現在的中國製造已經 成為質量低劣,價格便宜,仿製,侵犯知識產權的代名詞。

計劃失調與重複性投資很容易造成生產力過盛。這個問題在中國很難被有效解釋清楚,因為這是中國政府的官僚行為干涉正常的市場運作的直接後果。即有權,又有 錢對於中國人來說是一件很平常的事。事實上,在中國,金錢一直伴隨著權力。金錢與權力相結合所誕生出的無法根治的腐敗現象與犯罪行為一直在困擾中國,有多 久的中國史,它就延續了多久。為了掩飾中國目前的失業,貧窮,驚人的資源浪費等現實,中國政府編造出一串數字來把中國打扮成一個經濟上欣欣向榮的國家。這 樣做只有一個目的,就是吸引更多的外國資本來填補中國的這個無低洞。所以當人們下次聽到中國政府所宣佈的經濟高增長率等數字時應該想想這些臆想出來的數字 是否正常。我們不能忘記我們不得不為這個中國政府粉飾的表面上繁榮的偽資本主義國家付出什麼樣的代價。

由於中國文化不鼓勵敢於冒險這種優良品質,中國人的生活呈現出單調,無聊和缺乏刺激。中國人極力避免冒險,所以他們也不想尋求機會來改善自己的生活。事實 上沒有一項現代的工業產品或者科學發現是源自中國人發明的,相反中國人卻從來沒有停止去偷竊別人的知識成果。具有諷刺意義的是除了會歇斯底里地聲稱他們在 道德上的優越性外,中國人對於生活的平衡性和意義性並不感興趣,相反他們更執迷於對物質的索取,這點上要遠遠勝於西方人。大多數中國人發現他們不懂得「精 神靈性」,「自由信仰」以及「心智健康」這樣的概念,因為他們的思想尚不能達到一個生命(補:即肉體和靈性的並存)存在的更高層次。他們的思想還停留在專 注於動物本能對性和食物那點貪婪可憐的慾望上。當然,中國人總是自詡他們的美食,因為他們在這個人類最基本的生理需求上所下的功夫要高於其他。這也許是中 國人僅有的可以吹牛的資本了。沒有一個中國人聚居的地方中餐館旁邊不備有臭氣薰天的公共廁所的。像豬一樣從一頭吃進去然後又從另一頭拉出來不正生動說明了 中國人的生活實質嗎。

中國因她在歷史上對知識的貢獻而聞名。但是,要抓住中國教育的真相和實質,還必須看到不同於表象的更深層的東西。在中國,教育不是扮演它應該扮演的角色 (或曰沒有起到它應起到的作用):即,改善全民的整體素質。事實上它的作用恰恰相反。大多數人都認同這樣一個概念,就是教育理應是被社會人索取的重要的公 共資源。但在中國則不同,從她的國民平均教育水準和道德標準來判斷,對於誰才是地球上最落後愚昧國家這樣的爭論,現代中國還始終抱著一個勝利者的姿態。然 而諷刺又令人費解的是當少數精英學校標榜自己學術成就的同時,中國卻有數以百萬計的年輕人處於文盲狀態,他們受良好教育的權利被剝奪。在她的人民體育鍛鍊 的權利被剝奪的同時中國在奧運會上卻贏得了無數的獎牌。在中國人的眼中,受教育不是為了尋求真理或者改善生活質量,而只是身份和顯赫地位的象徵和標誌。中 國的知識分子從別人那裡得到尊敬並不是因為他們為了別人的幸福做過什麼,而只是因為他們獲得佔有了相當的知識。事實上,他們中的大多數隻不過是一群僅僅通 曉考試卻從不關心真理和道德的食客。再次說明,中國教育的目的不是為了幫助社會改善總體水平,而是為統治階層和少數富有階層服務的。中國的政府部門總是引 以為豪的標榜自己是人民的這個,人民的那個,但沒有一個是為人民的利益服務的。唯一服務的對象就是他們自身集團的利益。

中國的教育體系很大程度上已經成為一種失敗和恥辱。它已經不能夠服務於教育本應所服務的對象:社會。這個教育體系不能提供給社會許多有用的個體。它只是製 造出一群投機分子,他們渴望能夠受益於社會所提供的好處卻毫不關心回報。中國可以培養出大批的高級能人才,但卻很少可以培養出合格的可以獨立主持的管理級 專家。服務於一個公司或者社會,光有技術是不夠的;還需要有勇氣,膽量,正直和誠實的領導才能,這恰恰是大多數中國人所缺少的品性。正如亞瑟.史密斯,一 位著名的西方傳教士一個世紀前所指出的,中國人最缺乏的不是智慧,而是勇氣和正直的純正品性。這個評價,雖然歷經百年,如今依舊準確診斷出中國綜合症的病 因。公共資源的錯誤利用就像中國的教育那樣,不經意地阻撓了中國的社會和道德發展。

作為一個熟知中國事務的外國人,我可以講大多數的中國高等學院甚至還不如西方綜合性大學的預科。大多數中國畢業生對選擇出國並為外國工作不會感到內疚,事 實上他們首先欠下了中國人民在教育上為他們所做出的犧牲。隨著傳統文化價值觀的破壞和逐步衰弱,大多數的中國人,包括受過教育的人都徘徊在精神和內心世界 的路口,像迷失的狗一樣不知何去何從。各種各樣的崇拜和迷信,還有利用西方基督教的招魂弄鬼在中國找到了很大的市場,人們藉以通過這種方法來祈求事物美好 的前景和繁榮,卻從精神的空虛中遭受到嚴重的傷害。如果中國人拒絕接受現實,拒絕充分開發他們大腦的話,靠神靈是不能解決中國人所面臨的問題的。正如《聖 經》所詳細闡述的那樣,上帝拯救那些自救的人。而中國人如此沉迷於迷信和巫術,他們不可能成為掌握自己生活的舵手。大多數中國人,甚至那些受過西方教育的 人士,都不能領會出西方文明的真諦。由於不瞭解西方文化的精髓,中國人習慣持有一個觀點就是西方人和他們是有親近關係的。不像中國人,眼光總停留在征服的 習性上和對於變化的不懈追求上。中國人如此之愚昧地認為別人會用他們一樣的方式去行為和思考。看來沒有什麼能比這個膚淺的假想更能令這些野蠻的中國人去享 受的了。當然,中國人完全可以把自己夢想成為宇宙的中心,在自我玩味中自作自受。不幸的是,中國人自己打翻了幸運餅因為這個世界屬於權勢人物 (movers and shakers,美國前途遠大的商業階層的家庭:通常在35-54歲之間,高學歷雙收入的夫婦與他們的孩子。生活在富裕的城郊地區的他們中多數是企業家和 白領專業人員,這一群體確定的商業傾向是SOHO,擁有自己的小公司和家庭辦公室。),他們不祈求任何人而且可以絕對掌控自己的命運。而世界歷史的進程則 是由鐵血寫成,中國人將無立足之地。正如有句名言說的,領先,跟隨,要麼避開。搭便車者和淘金者就像那些中國人是不配受到正派人的尊敬的。


What is China

Most people will agree on the fact that Chinese people lack of honesty and the sense of social responsibility. Yet few have the answer as to what is the cause of these notorious traits of the Chinese people. What has made the word Chinese such a nuisance in public eyes? As always, to find answer one needs to carefully study the psyche of the Chinese people. We need to understand the basis of the Chinese cultural abomination in order to correctly interpret the ugly behaviors commonly existed among the Chinese people. So much so that, after a period of time, the notion of Chinese, both in racial and cultural sense, has degenerated into a derogatory word to describe the undesirable and annoying behaviors or the attitudes of certain type of people. For example, when questioning a person's honesty, people will say 「Don't be Chinese」 「Do not act like a Chinese」 or 「Do not play Chinese game with me」. 「Chinese」 has become an eloquent adjective used to depict the general perversity of human mentality.

Since the beginning, Chinese have never been introduced the concept of nationhood or social identity. Average Chinese are only acquainted with the meaning of family and close kin; they could not conceive the notion of nation because they never have the ability and courage to establish one. Chinese culture, therefore, was a blood or kinship based one rather than a social phenomenon based on rationality. Chinese only concern with the wellbeing of their direct relatives but tend to be indifferent toward the suffering of the people that are not related to them. In other words, Chinese have not be able to evolve into a stage of civil society in which every one, regardless of his origin, is entitled with certain basic human rights. China, to the best, still exists in a clan oriented society. That is why we consider China not a nation but a land inhabited by a group of people who shares the common life habits but bears no common social identity. Undoubtedly, this blood based view of moral value gives the birth to the mentality of selfishness and callousness which has been the decisive force hampering the progress in Chinese society.

Foreigners were constantly shocked by the inhuman and cruel treatment of prisoners or animals to which the Chinese show very little sympathy. Astonishing loss of human lives, quite often in millions, as the results of man made or natural disasters also manifests Chinese people's callousness towards the value of human life. China and Chinese have been regarded as a phenomenon shrouded with a mysterious shadow. Indeed, how can one rationalize the inconsistency demonstrated in their disregarding of human life and their stubborn claiming of moral righteousness of their traditional culture? Since the immemorial, China has always been bearing the title of the 「most populous country」 on this earth, as if China was the auspicious candidate selected by the Almighty. However, a careful and thorough analysis shows otherwise. This bloody title must be attributed not to the blessing of God, but to the irresponsible birth policy of the Chinese government and the incredible breeding ability of the Chinese people. It is hard for Japanese to feel guilty about the fate of the Chinese they had slaughtered in WWII, since they never viewed them as human beings in the first place. After all, why should foreigners consider Chinese as human beings if the Chinese treat their own people like dirt bags? Who is to blame?

Chinese ruling class knew perfectly well the fatal and incurable weakness of the Chinese mentality and had benefited greatly by capitalizing on the infamous characteristics of the Chinese culture. Fear and greed have been the effective methods in controlling Chinese people's mind. Chinese know virtually no politic in a modern sense since their incompetent minds could not grasp the essence of the political science, namely the notion of fair play and straightforwardness. The things Chinese called politics are nothing but an art of intrigues and treacheries.

China was never a society governed by law because law abiding behavior did not fit into the inner nature of the Chinese mentality. Chinese always want to find a short cut. They do not understand the fact that achievement must go hand to hand with hard work and sacrifice. You can't have one without the other, and there is no short cut. Chinese are inclined to take but not to give. They have to come to a sense that the truth of life depends not on how much you can take but on how much you can give to the society and the fellow human beings.

Chinese like to indulge themselves to the dark side of the human psychology: that is to glorify the weakness and to envy those who have strength and power. This mentality is a typical mentality of slavery. This mentality reflects people's desperate attempt to reach the equilibrium of inner peace and the tragic failure in succeeding. Given the fact that China was ruled by Manchu and Mongols for many centuries, the slavery mentality has already replaced the grace and honor of ancient Han culture. Most sinologists as well as many Chinese scholars tend to believe that today's China and Chinese have little to do with the real China in the past. One scholar was so disappointed on what he saw on Chinese people mentality that he took a bold to make a remark that: Japan, not China, is the genuine 「China」 or the so called celestial kingdom. There is even a doubt whether current Chinese and ancient Chinese share the same racial origin. I won't be surprise to know that ancient Chinese had been some sort of Caucasian origin. As matter of fact, many archeological findings support this hypnosis.

Indeed, in this world nothing could be more vague and preposterous than the notion of China or Chinese. Since no one really knows what it really refers to. Given the geographical diversity, one can not correctly come up with a definition of real 「Chinese」 simply because they all vary from each other in some ways. Fro example, the Cantonese definitely believe they are different from the rest of the Chinese, especially those from the northern regions. The idea that China as a unified country and Chinese as a unified people is nothing but a bunch of lies to fool the undeveloped minds.
Few can deny the pleasure of d

Few can deny the pleasure of derogating a pathetic phenomenon like the Chinese. We do not feel sorry for our animosity toward China simply because we can~{!/~}t help. Neither do we need any justification for why we hold this kind of view. Righteous resentment does not require moral justification. It demands moral courage. It is an insult to human decency if people remain silent on the Chinese situation, knowing that it might deteriorate and slowly transform into a wide spread epidemic if a decisive solution is not available.

As people pointed out, for evilness to flourish, the only thing necessary is for the good people to remain silent. However, our conscience tells us we can not remain indifferent toward the Chinese tragedy. Civilized people will use everything possible to stop the decaying of human decency as the result of Chinese expansion. If Chinese are unable to derive anything valuable from its history, the nature and people will once again educate this ailing creature a lesson of truth and decency. Even this lesson has to be conducted in a rather crude manner, it is nevertheless worthy of doing. I shall not hesitate to use my Katana to help the Chinese reaching to a sense if necessary. Chinese will soon find themselves shivering in the fateful lightening of the swift sword of the almighty.

It is hard to come up with a precise description of what China really stands for. Even the most seasoned experts on culture and civilization are having difficulties in correctly interpreting the Chinese phenomenon. China and what happened in China have always been an enigma, a mystery of unsolved. For China possess many faces, the China as a civilization of ancient history, the China of unspeakable crime and disaster, the China of lies and treacheries~{!-~}. China reminds people the legendary monster of multiple heads with each head symbolizes the different aspect of human suffering and hopeless tragedy.

Both praising China as rising star and predicting its quick demise, tend to forget the fatal part of the equation. There is no win-win situation no matter how China evolves. If China fails to succeed in its modernization program, and its corrupt government is subsequently toppled down, the world will face a huge flood of refugees fleeting away from that country. If so, a quarantine of nuclear weapon appears to be the only feasible solution to stop its contagious effect. In the other scenario, however unlikely it might sound, China somehow manages to develop into a sophisticated industrialized nation, the world market will be flooded with cheap Chinese products which will intensify world competition and create huge surplus in industrial goods. This will inevitably lead to a world wide economic crisis to which human beings are ready to resort violence as the only way out. A developed China will also be a biggest polluter mankind has ever witnessed. Explicitly, no matter which way China heads to, it is destined to be a source of disaster.

The sad reality is that no one can afford the luxury of ignoring the existence and the fate of an entity of this proportion. The future of mankind and world peace, to a great extent, based on how China evolves itself. Whether or not China will be able to transform into a responsible and civilized society or it continues its old path as a trash can of hazardous elements is crucial.
The overseas Chinese always make a big fuss on the issue of returning back after their study as if they are the invaluable gifts for others. This mentality can only be explained as a symptom of lacking of decency and self respect. Most Chinese have never been able to learn the meaning of a decent and respectful life. Like many people mentioned before, average Chinese do not know how to live a productive life for the best interest of the individual and the society. Subconsciously, Chinese view their life as a show put up to gain recognition from others. By so doing, one can satisfy the petty desire of 「saving one's face. Face saving is an essential ingredient of the Chinese psyche, and it has become the insurmountable obstacle prevent the Chinese from learning the truth and living a meaningful life. This condemnable habit gives the birth to a character of callousness and selfishness which is the major cause for China's backwardness. Chinese do not have the courage to pursue what they believe is the right thing to do. First, they may not have the ability to sift right from wrong because of their greed occupied minds, and secondly, even they are capable of doing so, they lack of courage to put the truth into practice. Chinese culture endowed itself with abundant bookish and romantic wisdom and moral teaching, yet when it comes to practice it has always been a dwarf of meagerness. For example, most international marriages between Westerners and the Chinese women are mostly economic oriented. It is hard to imagine with their inadequate and clumsy English, most Chinese women could even have a decent communication with their foreign lovers.

Chinese constantly forget the fact that the society needs them as much as they need the society. No one owes you anything; you are not entitled with any prestige or respect unless you earn them with your hard effort. Chinese are used to having thing for cheap and free; they always dream for magic or good fortune because they do not want to spend any effort. They want to have everything for nothing. Few Chinese understand the fact that, prestige and achievement go hand in hand with hard work and sacrifice; you can't have one without the other. To put it simple, to make a living, one has to take, to make a life, one has to give.

Growing up in a poor environment and lacking of proper education, most Chinese are not acquainted with good manner and basic human courtesy. Most of them like to present themselves in rather awkward attire without showing any embarrassment. What they have been taught through out their juvenile life is how to lie and take from others but not how to share with others what you have. Whether you go back to China or not is absolutely an individual issue. Do not make it a big deal because no one really gives a crap. No one cares. No one will give a freak as to whether you are going to stay or go! We wish you all get out of here and never return, so we will have a decent place to live.

We must admit that China has always been a nation of abundance. As the result of an unrestrained birth policy, China is an unlimited source of cheap labor supply. This supply also includes the educated labor which, despite its education level, bears no fundamental difference from the average Chinese coolies.

China's mass produced cheap commodities lower the standard of commercial trustworthiness of the place where ever they land. Due to the obsolete technology and poor management, energy consumption per unit of China made product is much higher than that of the advanced industrial nations such as Japan or US. Therefore, even with the high exporting quantities, China is actually losing resources as it increases production. In the mean while, China has done a great job in polluting the environment, making China the world's most undesirable place to live. Frankly speaking, Chinese are suffering severely from the utmost evilness of the capitalist society, namely the destruction of environment and dehumanization of people's mind. Corresponding to their greedy nature, Chinese has no problem in accepting the dark side of the capitalism: the greed for profit and the disregard of human dignity. However, they find no interest in adopting the proper legal system which serves as the custodian for the stability of the whole capitalistic system. Foreigners are bewildered by the comparison between Chinese people's over toned enthusiasm in their technologies and products and their uninterestingness in Western managerial culture that emphasizes straightforwardness and honesty. One person made a vivified remark which I think can be used to illustrate the hideous reality of the so called Chinese capitalism: Capitalism without law is like Christianity without the notion of hell, at end everyone will perish. Indeed, made in China has become a synonym of low quality, cheap, fake, and a violation of intellectual rights.

Ill planned and duplicated investment easily results in over capacity. This problem can not be effectively exposed and addressed because it is the direct result of the bureaucratic interference in economic activities backed by the Chinese government. It is quite common thing for a Chinese to have both power and wealth. In fact, in China, political power has always been associated with wealth. The matrimony between these two evils inevitably gives birth to bigger devil of corruption and crime which had always been the incurable disease suffered by China through out its long history. To conceal the devastated situation of unemployment, poverty, and appalling erosion of nation's resources, the Chinese government fabricated numbers and data to portray a rosy picture of an economic prosperity. The goal of this scheme is nothing but to seduce more foreign investment into this black hole. So next time when hearing the high growth rate published by the Chinese government, one should have a second thought on those hyped up data. One should not forget the price we have to pay for the sinful prosperity of this pseudo-capitalism that the Chinese try to lure us into.Posts: 29 | Registered: Thu, 09 December 2004

Gone - GH
Basic Training
Posted Tue, 14 December 2004 23:09
Since Chinese culture does not encourage the noble characters like risk taking and adventure, Chinese people's life appears humdrum and deficient of excitement. Chinese are overly risk averted, so much so that they do not want to take the chance to make life better. Virtually none of the modern industrial equipments and scientific discoveries could find its Chinese origin. However, the Chinese have never been hesitated to sneak out other's intellectual works. Ironically, despite the exhausted and hysteric claiming of moral superiority, Chinese obsess with material gain far more than Westerners do, and show very little or no interest in living a balanced and meaningful life. Most Chinese find themselves unacquainted with the notions such as "spirituality" "freedom of worship" and 「mental health」 because their minds were unable to set foot into any higher level of existences. Their minds are simply too busy and preoccupied with cupidity and pitiful desires of animal instincts like sex or food. Of course, Chinese could always boast the richness of their cuisine because they spend more time than others on this basic physiological need of human beings. This might be the only thing that the Chinese could brag about. No place inhabited by Chinese one could not find Chinese restaurants and eating places which often stand next by the smelly public toilets. Indeed, feeding from one end and defecating from the other like a hog vividly exemplify what Chinese people's life is all about.Posts: 29 | Registered: Thu, 09 December 2004

Gone - GH
Basic Training
Posted Tue, 14 December 2004 23:14
China's education
By kenji Asahara

China was well known through out of history for its devotion towards knowledge and learning. However, to fully grasp the true picture of Chinese education one has to look into something deeper than what meets the eye. In China, education does not play the role it supposes to play: improving the overall quality of its people. In fact, it did the quite the opposite. Most people agree that education ought to be the most important public resources that people should have access to. This is not the case in China. Judging from the average education level and moral standard of its citizens, current China surely clings to a victory in the contest of who is the most backward and ignorant nation on this earth. It is an ironic and inexplicable thing to see that China could allow millions of its young people remained illiterate, and deprived them of the opportunity to receive decent education, while boasting academic achievement at few elite schools. China could win umpteenth medals in Olympic Games, while denying its people the right to have a decent physical education. In Chinese minds, education is not about seeking truth or improving quality of life but a symbol of prestige and status. Chinese intellectuals demand respect from others not because what they have contributed to the wellbeing of others but simply because of their possession of certain knowledge. In fact, most of them are just a bunch of useless eaters who know how to take exams and care little about truth and integrity. Once again, in China, the purpose of education is not to help society to improve its overall quality but only to serve the ruling class and the wealthy minority. The government departments in China usually proudly labeled themselves as people's this or people's that, but none of them really serves the best interest of people. They only serve for the best interest of themselves and their own clans.

Chinese educational system, to a large extent, has been a matter of failure and disgrace. It has failed to serve what education supposes to serve: the society. It did not provide society with many useful individuals. It only created a group of opportunity chasers who were eagerly to take advantage of what the society could offer but cared nothing of what they could give back in return. China could produce large number of highly trained technical personnel, but not many qualified managerial experts who can run the shows. To serve a company and society, technical skills are not enough; one needs a leadership of courage and integrity of which most Chinese people are having such a daunting deficit. As Arthur Smith, a famous Western missionary pointed out a century ago: What Chinese people lack the most is not wisdom and intelligence, but a genuine character of courage and integrity. This evaluation, though hundred years old, is still a valid one today in correctly diagnosing the very cause of the Chinese syndrome. The wrongful usage of public resources such as education inadvertently thwarted the social and moral development of the Chinese society.

As a foreigner who is relatively familiar with Chinese affairs, I can tell that most Chinese top institutes are nothing more than the preschools for Western universities. Most Chinese college graduates feel no sense of guilt to go aboard and work for foreign countries, knowing the fact that they owed their education primarily to the sacrifice of the Chinese people. With destruction and gradual fade away of traditional cultural value; most Chinese people, including the educated ones, are wandering on the corner of mental avenues like lost dogs without place to go. Cults and superstitions of all sorts, conjured up with Western Christianity, find great market in China where people are suffering severely from such a spiritual malnutrition that they will take anything that seems promising. Unfortunately, no spiritual package will solve the problem Chinese facing if the Chinese continue to deny the reality and do not allow their mind to be fully developed. As the biblical teaching elaborated, God will save those who save themselves. Chinese people are so indulged themselves in the superstitious magic that they fail to act as the helmsmen of their own life. Most Chinese, even those western educated ones, failed to grasp the essence of Western civilization. Chinese are used to entertaining the idea that Westerners must be the close kin to themselves, without knowing the core value of Western culture, unlike Chinese, rests in the habit of conquering and the relentless pursuit of change. Chinese are so ignorant and crass to assume others must behave and think like they do. Nothing could be far from truth than this smattering assumption of others enjoyed by the uncouth Chinese. Of course, the Chinese could well stew their mind in their own juice by relishing the dream of being the center of the universe. Unfortunately, Chinese will not find their fortune by breaking a fortune cookie because the world belongs to the movers and shakers who like to beg for no one and have the absolute control of their fate. In the world where the course of history was written by the power of blood and iron, Chinese have no place to stay. As the old saying goes, you lead, follow or get out of the way. Free riders and gold diggers like the Chinese do not deserve any respect from decent people.


by phopicking 2008/06/09

很好玩,剛剛看到這樣的新聞:劉揆:參加行政團隊就放棄綠卡 非常恰當















那我改一下好了,內閣官員個個都無恥。這樣可以了吧?還是說 KK 要告訴我有誰有風骨的?這倒是想增廣一下見聞呀。

綠卡 與外交官

by 郭健二 2008/06/09

外交部長歐鴻鍊被民進黨立委爆出2005年時就擁有綠卡,當時他還是擔任台灣駐 [瓜地馬拉大使],立委指責歐部長本身率先違法,應該立即辭職下台,但歐鴻鍊無意辭職,他答覆質詢時是這麼解釋:



【我想歐部長顯然把公事與私事混淆在一起,退休後他如何安排生活是他家的事,但他在2005年擔任 (瓜地馬拉大使) 期間就擁有美國綠卡,公務員法令清楚規定『駐外國大使不得擁有綠卡』,歐鴻鍊已是明顯的違法,一個政府官員除了具備「經歷與專業」的條件之外,『遵守法 令』應該是基本要求,請問一個行事不守法令的部長,要如何指揮部屬、如何要求部屬 [依法行事]?

歐鴻鍊大使退休後,原本打算移民到美國長住,但一旦升官機會來了就改變心意;簡單的說,在歐鴻鍊眼中,台灣的價值就是讓他擔任高官之地,有官做就住台灣, 沒官做就去美國,『進可當台灣外交部長,退可移民美國當寓公』,好康的代誌全由歐鴻鍊一手包辦,「魚與熊掌」歐鴻鍊都想得兼。】


(一) 胡志強市長挺身表示: [綠卡與忠誠度有什麼關係?一直講有綠卡就會落跑,對台灣前途這麼沒信心嗎?如果已自動申請放棄都要道歉下台的話,意圖隱瞞或實際上有隱瞞的人,是不是要槍斃?]

請問胡市長: 【陳水扁總統沒有綠卡,你們國民黨立委和統媒,不是一直在討論陳水扁總統卸任後會落跑國外嗎? 怎麼沒聽過你說過一句公道話,沒有綠卡的人都被認定會落跑,那麼有綠卡的人被認定準備要落跑,這不是很合理的推論嗎?


(二) 陸以正 (前南非大使) 在TVBS節目說:【歐鴻鍊不在當大使的國家(瓜地馬拉)辦綠卡,而跑到(尼加拉瓜)辦理,說來實在很費『苦心』】。

陸以正是一個資深外交官,竟然會說出這種令人啼笑皆非的話;歐鴻鍊在擔任大使任期內辦裡美國綠卡根本就是違法,陸以正怎麼會說出 [苦心] 這兩個字來幫歐鴻鍊解圍呢? 我看陸以正說話時一臉嚴肅不像是在開玩笑,所以我也想向這位資深外交官請教: 『有一位教師不在擔任教職的台南市(誠品書局)偷書,而跑到台北市的(誠品書局)偷書,說來實在很費「苦心」』;


(三)章孝嚴則表示 :[歐鴻鍊申請綠卡是情有可原,無可厚非,他的忠誠不會有問題的,而且強調 歐鴻鍊是非常不可多得的人才,大家不要誤會他了。]

我看章孝嚴講這樣的話很奇怪,綠卡所牽涉的問題在於歐鴻鍊違反法令,章孝嚴卻談起 [忠誠]啦、[人才不可多得] 啦,存心轉移違法的焦點。


幾年前有一個叫做王筱嬋的名女人,一直糾纏著章孝嚴,緋聞鬧得滿城風雨,我也要強調,章孝嚴是 [非常不可多得的人才,大家不要誤會他是會鬧八卦緋聞的人。]

(四)新聞局長史亞平說 :[綠卡只是旅行的證件],是這樣嗎? 那麼為甚麼進入美國海關時,持綠卡的人和持外國護照的人,是排在不同的窗口? 持外國護照的有停留的期限,綠卡並沒有? 史局長,妳也要學李慶安立委兼任美國移民局的發言人解釋美國的法令和文件嗎?

我一直以為外交官都是思慮縝密、言談嚴謹、恪守法令的人,但聽聽這幾位擔任過外交部長、大使等人的發言,覺得這些人一心只想袒護自己人,歐鴻鍊部長在擔任 (瓜地馬拉大使)期間,2005年就擁有美國綠卡,顯然是件違法的事情,但這幾個人言談之間避重就輕,盡說一些自以為是『高明外交辭令』的廢話。


『生意嘴,狐Rie--Rie』,現在倒是可以轉換為----『外交官A嘴,同款狐Rie—Rie !』