好大喜功 偏缺執行力
by formosa2008 2008/03/05
But Taipei has encountered obstacles. 台北(無線上網計畫)遭遇到困難。The Wi-Fi plan met resistance from state-owned Chunghwa Telecom Co., the island's biggest phone company, which urged the city government not to launch the project, people involved with the project say.首先,(計畫參與人員)把責任歸咎於「中華電信」。(原文的下一段,馬先生也表達同樣的意思)。
Taipei's Wi-Fi network builders also had to work to address the concerns of Taipei residents, some of whom opposed trimming or chopping down trees to make signals clearer, while others feared that low levels of radiation from wireless access points might be bad for their health.其次,怪台北市民--有些人反對把樹砍掉、或修剪。所以訊號無法清晰。
Mr. Ma says the biggest obstacle that project planners failed to foresee was perhaps the simplest. Taipei's streetlights-- where many of the access points have been fitted -- are supplied with electricity only at night.再來,又怪路燈。許多網路的「接收盒」安裝在路燈,而路燈只在晚間供電。
city officials say that when it is completed around midyear, it will cover more than 90% of Taipei.這篇報導的時間是2006年,也就是說預計2006年「年中」要完成,要包括台北市90%地區。現在是2008年,鄉親啊,有嗎,有90%的台北市民在享受這項大建設嗎?(有沒有9%,我都懷疑)